Sierra Mountain Times Has New Owner


Posted by Annie in Twain Harte News on January 20, 2009

Congratulations Tim McCaffrey! The rumors were true, the Sierra Mountain Times is now under new ownership and an entire new crew. Be sure to check out their new look and pick up a copy.

We look forward to reading more exciting area news from this new staff and if you like to dabble in writing, they are always looking for interesting articles to run in our local paper.

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The News in Twain Harte


Posted by Annie in Twain Harte News on December 10, 2008

Rumors tend to run wild in small communities and Twain Harte is no exception. Those who have their ear to the ground will have heard that the Sierra Mountain Times is changing hands beginning the first of the year.

Shawn and I are excited to hear that our dear friend Tim McCaffrey, son of the proprietors of the elegant McCaffrey House Bed & Breakfast Inn, located at 23251 Highway 108, Twain Harte, CA has purchased the local business. Tim was previously the director of advertising while employed with the Twain Harte Times, the precursor to the Sierra Mountain Times.

Congratulations Tim! The Hall family will look forward to the changes Tim is sure to implement at the Sierra Mountain Times.

Wishing all of you mountain folk a very Merry Christmas. The weather now quite nippy, according to the Dodge Ridge website they are preparing to open up the slopes. They are expecting plenty of snow over the next four or five days. Chances are good they could open up at any time. That’s good news for the Christmas Ski Bunnies.

From all accounts business is good for many local merchants but people are cautious about the coming months and are tightening their belts in anticipation of a further economic downturn. On the other hand, there are some terrific bargains to be had this Christmas season. Shop with care…

One last thing, I almost forgot. A few of the surrounding communitities seem to have developed crime waves as the economy has suffered in recent months. Twain Harte residents and vacationers would do well to keep a watchful eye out, just in case vandals and thieves decide to commit their dastardly deeds in our neighborhood.

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