Lily Mae Finds a Home


Posted by Shawn & Annette in Family Fun, Opinion on July 19, 2011

A trip to Modesto yesterday brought us the newest member of our family. She is a tiny little Russian Blue mix that hasn’t been weened yet, so we are going to have an interesting week.

We had decided to just look around and see what was available at the pet shops and animal shelters. I had no idea that any animal that leaves the shelter must be spayed or neutered, and while I understand the reasoning behind this, it doesn’t mean I have to like it. I believe that fixing an animal forever changes it’s personality and lifestyle. I probably have stronger feelings than most on this topic since I was “fixed” at the tender age of 18.

The animal shelter in Modesto is a new facility but it sure smelled terrible in there, with no readily apparent reason for the horrific aroma. I was informed that the kittens must be 2 pounds before they can be spayed or neutered and for most kittens, that means they must be at least 4 months old before they can be adopted. Well, is it any wonder they put so many animals down each year? At 4-months of age, they aren’t normally quite as cute as they are when most people take home a kitten at around 8 weeks of age.

We had made our decision to wait and explore other avenues, when fate stepped up and threw us a curve ball into our plans. Just as we were piling back into the ‘Beca to head back to Twain Harte, I spotted a small group of people standing just off to the side of where we were parked. One young lady was holding a tiny little gray kitten, with big round eyes, who was hissing and obviously not happy.

Someone in the group explained that the shelter had closed and they wouldn’t accept the kitten (nevermind that I had just walked out the door and they were in the process of adopting out a puppy). The doors weren’t even locked. Since the shelter wouldn’t accept the tiny creature, the small group had gathered, trying to figure out what to do with the poor kitten, when I walked up to the group. I picked up the kitten. They were concerned that the kitten would get away from me, and thought that it was a feral kitten. I was concerned that it had been injured the way that it was laying there immobilized. (Not once the first hour we had her did she move her neck.)

I spoke with my husband about the kitten. It was obvious that she was terrified and would require a great deal of love and care but we decided to give it a try. She barely moved at first, but she seemed to gain comfort from cuddling inside my fuzzy jacket I had bunched up on my lap. We made several stops for supplies on the way home and made several attempts to feed her. We managed to get her to drink some water and a little milk replacement formula, though she wouldn’t touch any of the solid food – wet or dry.

She keep attempting to suckle on my coat and the fuzzy blanket we gave her. I’m just so thankful that she will drink from a dish. We bought a couple bottles – just in case. If anyone in Twain Harte has a momma cat that might be willing to let her nurse, please let me know. She appears to be doing well, but as we all know — momma’s milk is best.

She has finally warmed up to us and has spent a little time playing, exploring, eating and what she does best at this point — sleep. She is a darling little kitten that needs a lot of love and kindness – I know she’s finally found her home.

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