Plants, Chickens and Wildlife


Posted by Annie in gardening, Organic, Outdoors on July 6, 2015

Cherry Tomato Plant

Cherry Tomato Plant

So far my garden isn’t looking too bad this year for someone who knows nothing and I’m fighting the spraying, which seems to be going on constantly. I’ve got three large tomatoes about 20 cherry tomatoes and the promise of more.

Either the deer or the chickens are eating the tops off my pepper plants again this year. That’s what happened last year. I never been able to grow any peppers, heck, I never even had one baby pepper grow last year. I’ve keep them close to the house.

I just have to be smarter than a chicken, right? I am guarding that little pepper with my life. I am determined to get at least one.

Tiny baby Pepper!

Tiny baby Pepper!

Because of the drought, and the aluminum, I have been adding a little Lugol’s Iodine Solution in the rain water I catch. I believe it will help clear toxins out of the soil.

Lugol’s Iodine:  An Important Detoxification Tool

I’ve also been using baking soda, Epson salts, peroxide, and organic sea kelp on my soil, it seems to help. If I have plants that aren’t doing well because of the intense sun, I put them in the green house.  It’s just a tiny little thing but it gives the plants time to heal. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

I’ve been keeping them close to the house and I feed the chicken behind the house.  Most of the chickens have gotten the hint and they really don’t bother the plants at all. We do have a couple that insist on digging in my Aronia shrub, an excellent source of antioxidants.

Wildlife: Plants are browsed by white-tailed deer and rabbits. The fruit are eaten by ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse and prairie chickens.

For pest control I’m growing spearmint, peppermint, oregano, rosemary.  One of my rosemary plants just withered up and died.  It’s a pathetic looking thing.  I haven’t brought myself to toss it out yet.  I feel so bad when one of my plants die.  When they grow and flourish like this spearmint plant, it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something.



Even my Crooked Neck Squash seems to be doing well. Last year they were overran with aphids. I didn’t get to them quick enough and by the time I got rid of them, the squash had stopped growing.  I got frustrated and ripped it up. No sense wasting water on it.

Crooked Neck Squash

Crooked Neck Squash

With the water restrictions, the chemical spraying, and the animals — wild and domestic — it’s amazing I have anything growing at all. Only time will tell, but I have a good feeling this year that my garden will persevere.

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Rain? Snow? Easter!


Posted by Annie in gardening, Organic, Twain Harte News on April 9, 2015

I hope you had a wonderful Easter, filled with friends and family.  We had a wonderful day in Modesto with loved ones. We had another young lad born into the family April 2nd, the parents named him William.  Congratulations!

Mother’s Day Gift Set

All this talk about snow is just that, talk.  We’ve seen very little rain and even less snow.  Things are must worse than they are saying and they are still Fracking, Nestle is still filling bottles in spite of the drought and the Air Force continues spraying and no one notices.  It’s crazy.  Don’t drink the kool-aid.  🙂

I am the proud new owner of a pineapple plant.  Will it grow pineapples?  Only time will tell. I do not have a green thumb but I have the Internet and I have my essential oils, I think I’m ready.

I wasn’t going to grow a garden at all this year, what with the drought, it just didn’t seem worth it, but apparently that wasn’t the plan.  My husband helped me pick up 50 plants from some people that are moving, then his cousin gave me some and since I’ve been spraying my essential oils on my plants they are really taking off.  I might end up being a gardener after all.

Have you tried essential oils? They really are soothing.  I tried some Rosewood last night, I thought I was in heaven. But a little dap will do you, I put five drops in my oil diffuser and believe me, it was too many.  You have to be careful with oil.

Why not get your mom an essential oil kit for Mother’s Day?

Mothers Day Set (Organic) 100% Pure, Best Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Kit

Columbia: Mountain People Organics


Posted by Annie in Opinion, Organic on October 4, 2014

Have you been to Mountain People Organics lately?  I don’t go all the time, but I probably go about four times a month.  In reality, it’s probably a good thing it’s not in Twain Harte or I’d spend all my spare time there.

Home made macaroni and cheese, with some dried...

Home made macaroni and cheese, with dried herbs!

Every week there is something different or new. They will have new vendors or new products.  This week they had Grass-fed Angus Ground Beef and the new cafe was a big hit.

Laura from 4 & 20 Blackbirds Bakery was in the cafe serving up dishes of two kinds of macaroni and cheese, salad in a jar, brownies, mini loaves of bread and much more. The booth stayed pretty busy through the lunch crowd and closed about 3:00 p.m.

Even though I don’t care for maple, that bread drenched in maple was really good.  The chefs are amazing, and each brings their own cooking style to the table.  You never know what you’ll end up with but two things are certain: It will be good and good for you.

I’m always amazed at the gluten-free choices these bakers come up with. The buying club even has large organic flour tortillas for $3.85! I couldn’t believe they were so cheap.  Compare the next time you visit the grocery store.  We’ve tried them and they’re fantastic. However, they are made without any preservatives so will mold pretty quickly. Buy and use them the same day.

Eye fillet of grass-fed beef.

Eye fillet of grass-fed beef.

Rawhide and Hurst Ranch have a booth with lots of grass-fed rib-eyes, bacon that is just the right thickness with non-gmo goodness, sausage that is mild and savory. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Join the buyers club.  It’s amazing how cheap I can get organic food for.  Yes, it takes a little getting used to ordering your groceries online but at least at home I can sit and listen to music instead of braving the crowds. Not everything is cheaper than conventionally grown, but it’s definitely worth the trip to come find out what’s here and at least pick up some raw milk. If I have to have milk from the store, I’ll buy the organic milk but my family prefers Organic Pastures Raw Milk. You’ve got to try it.

See all the MarketPlace Vendors. Open every Wednesday and Saturday ~  from Noon to 6 pm!

Located in Columbia, California at 10800 Airport Road, in the old National Guard Armory building next to the County Airport, now called “The Farmory.”

A quirky, new market filled up with local, organic farmers, artisans, food vendors and entrepreneurs; all with a focus on organic, sustainable, natural living.  A wonderful community gathering place. You will come to love it! Stop in at SaferPC and say hello.

This Wednesday in the Farmory Cafe we are having chicken paprikash with dinner rolls (my personal favorite), salad in a jar, hot dogs in tortillas, pasta, and meat buns.  Be sure to stop and check us out.  I’m working the booth tomorrow, be sure to stop and say hello.

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