Post Office Delays


Posted by Annie in Twain Harte News on May 19, 2020

The post office is shorthanded. They’re hiring 500 new workers to meet the demand.  It’s unclear at this time the reasons behind the shortage of workers in distribution, but it’s causing delays.  There are signs posted not to expect mail delivery to your post office box until 2:00 p.m. daily. This will be for every day until further notice.

Twain Harte Post Office

Twain Harte Post Office

The Sportsman Coffee Shop is now seating people inside and they are allowing people to decide for themselves whether to wear masks or not. I’m still trying to figure out, just exactly how does one eat with a mask on?  The chicken fried steak was delicious.  They are still working things out, but stop in and support our local businesses.  They are supposed to have information up on their website, but I couldn’t find any changes yet.

On the way I drove past Twain Harte Lumber and I can’t remember the last time I drove past and saw every single parking space full, but they were.  They offer curbside service as well as inside shopping.  Looked to me like most people were inside shopping.  I’m so glad to see so many people using our local hardware store.

Shop Local!  Shop Often!

Stay safe.

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