Posted by Annie in Activities, Family Fun, Field Trip Idea on March 4, 2018
It appears that I haven’t posted for a complete year in Twain Harte Times. For that I apologize, I’ve been spending most of my time on Facebook. That will not longer be the case.
The Fall is my favorite time of year, with Winter a close second. I really hate Summer, I’m just not able to handle those hot temperatures any more and it gets hotter every year here in Twain Harte. I watch the temperature religiously checking in probably 50 times a day.
I used to love the snow, I’d get up at 4 or 5 a.m. just to take pictures of the snow before anyone soiled it with footprints or tire tracks some days. Oh, how I loved to traipse around in the snow. It was exhilarating. Now, I just get angry and try not to go out in it at all.
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