Innovators, influencers and renegades of the string instruments, the high energy band Dirty Cello announced today they are returning to Moaning Cavern this October 1st!
Dirty Cello at Moaning Cavern, Christmas Concert 2015
On the October 1st concert, Dirty Cello will play their traditional music that is anything but traditional cello music!Dirty Cello’s funky beats combines all types of music; from bluegrass to blues and even the occasional rock covers, but all played in their own unique style within Moaning Cavern’s large cave chamber with amazing natural acoustics!
Tickets are $20 each. Concert begins at 7:30 pm, but check in is at 7:00 pm.
Posted by Shawn & Annette in Tuolumne County on September 10, 2016
Join Rethinking High School at The Farmory in Columbia on Wednesday and Saturday from 11am to 5pm. Learn about alternatives to bring your children through the 21st century in California.
Each drive I make up “the hill” to Mi Wuk, Sierra Village and Strawberry makes my heart so heavy. I break down in tears. Easter Sunday, I took a drive up to Mi Wuk to Andy’s Mountain Grill for lunch. There were a great many motorcycles out and about, the sun was shining I was enjoying the day, when all of the sudden there are trees down everywhere.
The trees are being cut down by the millions! You can visibly see the dead trees littering the forest, what a horror. The aluminum they are spraying into the air, comes down and lands in the trees, some sticks to the pine needles adding to the flammability and probability of more forest fires. So far, we have been very lucky.
Residents have little notice in fast-moving fire
The Union Democrat
Dave and Angela Allured were putting their 2-year-old son down for a nap Sunday afternoon when a friend texted: Fire was coming their way.
“I looked out the window and saw the fire heading right towards us,” Angela Allured said. “It was coming so fast. We grabbed our dog and left.”
As she was telling the story Monday near their destroyed garage and damaged house, her husband interjected, “Left with nothing else. We left so fast.”
Drive up past Twain Harte as soon as you can. The landscape is changing every day and with so many dead and dying trees. It will likely never be the same.