Agenda 21 in Twain Harte?


Posted by Annie in gardening, Opinion, Political, Twain Harte News on April 20, 2015

What’s going to happen to Twain Harte, my beloved little mountain town?  That depends on what you decide to do about it.

English: Field in or just outside of Twain Har...

Twain Harte, California

I know many of you think I’m crazy by now, but I’m going to tell it like it is. We have been undergoing a weather-modification experiment. Our government, the Air Force and the globalists have been intentionally causing this drought. Those neat lines in the sky are chemical payloads that have been raining down on us, made up of mostly aluminum and barium with a few other things mixed in for good measure.

It’s killing off parts of trees and plants. Look around the mountain and you’ll find plenty of evidence. Heck, when we got our “snow” storm a couple weeks ago I tried to melt the snow.  I brought a bucket inside, it took hours for it to melt (even though it was 70 degrees inside), when it was almost done you could see floating on top of the water some cotton looking substance that dissolved when disturbed.

Very strange indeed.  I even tried melting it with a lighter. It just got black and tried to burn. Not a drop of water squeezed out of that snow.

Why on earth would they be doing this?

Why Agenda 21 of course.

They want to make this area a “wildlife corridor” and not allow people up on the mountain anymore. If they make it so you can’t grow anything in California and there isn’t any water, we will be forced to leave.  The UN is already talking about relocating people from California to another state.  You can’t make this stuff up.

Additional reading:

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Rain? Snow? Easter!


Posted by Annie in gardening, Organic, Twain Harte News on April 9, 2015

I hope you had a wonderful Easter, filled with friends and family.  We had a wonderful day in Modesto with loved ones. We had another young lad born into the family April 2nd, the parents named him William.  Congratulations!

Mother’s Day Gift Set

All this talk about snow is just that, talk.  We’ve seen very little rain and even less snow.  Things are must worse than they are saying and they are still Fracking, Nestle is still filling bottles in spite of the drought and the Air Force continues spraying and no one notices.  It’s crazy.  Don’t drink the kool-aid.  🙂

I am the proud new owner of a pineapple plant.  Will it grow pineapples?  Only time will tell. I do not have a green thumb but I have the Internet and I have my essential oils, I think I’m ready.

I wasn’t going to grow a garden at all this year, what with the drought, it just didn’t seem worth it, but apparently that wasn’t the plan.  My husband helped me pick up 50 plants from some people that are moving, then his cousin gave me some and since I’ve been spraying my essential oils on my plants they are really taking off.  I might end up being a gardener after all.

Have you tried essential oils? They really are soothing.  I tried some Rosewood last night, I thought I was in heaven. But a little dap will do you, I put five drops in my oil diffuser and believe me, it was too many.  You have to be careful with oil.

Why not get your mom an essential oil kit for Mother’s Day?

Mothers Day Set (Organic) 100% Pure, Best Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Kit