Posted by Annie in Opinion, Organic on August 31, 2013
Organic Pastures Raw Milk!
Have you heard of Mountain People Organics? Their statement is simple.
“We are a Private, Membership-only Warehouse, committed to Local, Fresh, REAL food. This page is for the management of the Warehouse. Well, and some information and recipe sharing!”
But it’s so much more than that. It’s a real community. I knew I had found family when Arleen Fotiu asked if we were okay because of the Rim Fire, and said, “We take care of our own. I think we can do better than a cot in the evacuation center.”
RAW MILK Freedom to Choose
Anytime I’ve had a question, Arleen or Cindy have had the answer. These are fantastic women. Instead of waiting for the FDA or the state to get around to labeling GMO’s, these women got together and decided to act. Mountain People Organics has grown to more than 400 families, and continues to grow each week.
They have something new for our members each week, whether it be food to sample, classes or a visit from the doctor. The group has members who bake their bread in solar ovens and everyone shares their knowledge, their food, and recipes. It’s really amazing.
Most of the food is brought in from local suppliers and local growers. We eat seasonal foods and the ladies are so helpful, sharing recipes, techniques, and answering questions. I’ve learned so much and I’m still learning. I am so glad I found you!
Stop in and check us out: Mountain People Organics
Join us on Facebook.
Hm… I was at the grocery store and ran into a couple of co-grand jury members. Apparently, I’m not the only one who feels that something is up with the Tuolumne County Grand Jury.
- This is the first year that Judge Donald Segerstrom oversees the jury. (Nothing wrong with that.)
- The judge hand picks the foreman, who just happens to be about the judges age, and guess what? He used to be a prosecutor some where in the bay.
- The first day we go in and have a seat. He already has rules posted on the wall. (This should have been my first clue.)
- Up until I left, they had gone through 5 jury members and I know for a fact at least two other left since I did. The lady I spoke with today at the store, said they were leaving in droves.
The jury foreman is a heavy handed, old-fashioned tyrant. I don’t think this is by accident. I think he has an agenda, but I can’t prove it.
He thought I should leave because I don’t ride with other people. He acted like it was a big deal. It’s none of his business. He said it would cost the county too much money. I could have stayed and fought, but it just wasn’t worth it to me. He wanted me to leave, I gave him what he wanted. There were other issues as well. Like the fact that I didn’t sit at the table with everyone.
Stupid petty stuff that doesn’t matter to anyone. Except him. He’s definitely set in his ways.
What it really came down to is that as a grand jury member I was bound by secrecy. I’m not so good with secrets. As far as I’m concerns secrets are made to be told. I have kept a couple of secrets in my life but that’s about it.
I believe they had already gone through each of the standby jurors. They will be looking for more. What they need is a new foreman.
It will be interesting to see what they come up with in their report. Assuming, of course, that the grand jury isn’t disbanded like the grand jury in El Dorado County earlier this year.
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Posted by Annie in Twain Harte News on August 29, 2013
I had my doubts when they came to town but I am impressed. Speaking as an outsider looking in, I was worried sick. I didn’t attended any meetings, I did however read everything written that I could find. Google and Bing didn’t make that easy. They blocked all but the “official” news sources. There are ways around that, too.
I watched the nightly meetings on public access television, kept up with all the updates from Inciweb, ENPLAN and MyMotherLode. I watched the sky, listened to the news, prayed and worried. I worried a lot, so I had to pray a lot. That kept me pretty busy but didn’t leave much time for sleeping.
At the meetings, when the firefighters and others started a dialog about rehabilitation of the forest, I was floored. I only hope it doesn’t unleash even more GMO loose in nature. I hope and pray that’s not the case. I like the idea of helping things along if we work with nature, but we should not be adding to the GMO problem by infesting our forests with them.
As for the firefighters: I am impressed, I know your work is not over and my prayers are with you. The little town of Twain Harte thanks you all, from the bottom of our heart.