Rain and Fog


Posted by Shawn & Annette in Opinion, Twain Harte News on June 5, 2011

Well, other than the snow that fell in my dreams last night, so far so good. It sprinkled rain on and off for most of the day today, it wasn’t until about an hour ago, when it really started to pour.

Velvet AntlersAbout an hour previous to the rain picking up intensity, the fog had rolled in. The air was heavy with moisture, it was eerie. It made me think of what it must have been like in that movie, “Gorilla’s in the Mist,” with Sigourney Weaver. The fog has lifted slightly, so it’s not quite so dense, still, motorists will want to slow down some — the animals can’t see much better than us in this fog. Hitting a deer anytime of year is not fun.

It’s 47 degrees currently. So far we aren’t getting any thunder and lightening and so long as the temperature stays near where it is, we won’t have any snow to worry about either.

Do watch out for the deer, we have quite a few young bucks running around out there. They still have the fuzz on their antlers — and they are so beautiful. We have a chat together almost daily. I just can’t get enough of them. They are very alert right now but inexperienced and most are just now getting out on their own.

I understand now that the mothers were showing them safe places to go for an easy meal just a few weeks back when they were all stopping by in groups. It was almost as if the mothers were making their introductions.

I’ll be back when I think of more to babble about.  🙂

Thanks for reading – I’d love to hear about your deer encounters. They are such magnificent creatures.

I just took a peek outside and the fog has lifted for the most part, which means the fog is probably pretty heavy around Sierra Village, as it appeared to be traveling East. Of course Jamestown gets more than it’s fair share of fog at times, too. Drive safe!

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