Tourist Season


Posted by Annie in Outdoors, Twain Harte News on January 2, 2011

Twain Harte was overtaken by lunatics over the New Year’s holiday weekend.  It felt like someone opened all the cages and turned the animals loose from the zoo. The weather certainly didn’t help matters in the least.

With the snow, rain and ice on Wednesday we saw lots of accidents and frustrated motorists. We attempted to venture out as far as the Post Office, thought better of it, after backing up in the drive way, parked and went back to the house. It just wasn’t worth the risk to life and limb.

Thursday morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow that had all melted prior to 9:00 a.m.

Friday and Saturday the rain fell most of the day and it does appear to be raining now but it’s plenty wet outside. At this time of year, I like to keep a close eye on the temperature. It’s 37 degrees currently, so it’s a pretty safe bet there won’t be ice on the roads.

You still have to be very careful, especially on the 7 curves on Twain Harte Drive. We generally take the East entrance to Twain Harte this time of year. It’s just safer.

Since we picked this soggy, slippery, gloomy time of year to move — you might say it’s been an interesting weekend. The Twain Harte Pizza Factory has been packed every time we tried to order pizza. Even the Pharmacy  and the Mountain Liquor store were both packed on New Year’s Eve. It was a total zoo.

I saw one man walking into the Mountain Liquor store, as I was walking out, I swear he had put on every stitch of clothing he brought with him — with shorts on the outside of his pants. He looked like one of those skater-boys you seen on television. I had a great chuckle at his expense. I thought my husband was going to choke, when I piped up and asked him, if his mommy dresses him funny.  I just couldn’t help myself.

The young man was a good sport and we both had a good laugh. One of these days my big mouth is really going to get me into serious trouble. I guess I was just jealous, I think I might dress that way, if I was brave enough. It was quite the fashion statement.

Living in the sticks, we don’t see outlandish styles much — except during tourist season. Most folks around here dress pretty ordinary.

We are supposed to have a few sunny days next week and I can’t wait. The biggest thing to watch for right now, is falling temperatures. The roads get pretty treacherous when temperatures fall below freezing. If you find you need to travel, plan your trips during the hours of around 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. — these are generally the safest hours to travel.

I’ll be moving most of the week, so don’t expect too many updates — unless of course we get a freak snowstorm and we get snowed in.  LOL

Happy New Years!

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