Posted by Annie in Twain Harte News on September 30, 2009

Fuller Road Construction
We just found a letter on the windsheild of our car giving notice that Tuolumne County Public Works will be paving Fuller Road from Golf Club Drive to Little Fuller Road on Thursday, October 1st, 2009 from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
During this time, the road will be closed. They request that we use an alternative route.
I guess we’ll be stuck at home tomorrow because we can’t pick up our house and move it to an alternative location.
I must say I’m totally relieved that they are actually going to pave the entire road and not only the strips down the middle but a little more than 18 hours notice would have been appreciated.
I guess short notice is better than no notice at all.
Posted by Annie in Activities, Outdoors on September 30, 2009
Time to get out those warm woolies, fall is finally here. It’s hard to believe that Monday I was wearing shorts, a tank top and running the air conditioning and just yesterday I dug out my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

Topaz Lake
I have waited all summer long for fall to arrive. It’s hard to believe it’s finally arrived. Daytime temperatures have dipped down to the 7o’s and next week the weather reports are calling for temperatures in the mid to high 60’s during the day, dipping into the 40’s overnight.
I spoke with my mother yesterday and she said the leaves in Michigan are beginning to change. I don’t think there is anything more amazing in nature than seeing the dramatic change of colors each fall in the midwest. It’s always been my favorite time of year.
It’s not quite the same but I try to make a trip up Highway 108 east, each year to see the fall colors. Making the drive all the way to Topaz Lake is the best this time of year. There you will find some amazing trees in full color — red, orange, yellow and shades in between.
It’s a wonderfully peaceful drive this time of year. Be sure to leave early in the day if you decide to make the trip. It’s a lonely stretch of road this time of year that can be intimidating after dark. Besides, you’ll want to arrive during the daylight hours, to enjoy the wonderful sights.
Fall is a terrific time of year to get outside and enjoy nature, take a hike or a bike ride and listen to the fall sounds of wind, leaves and birds. You’ll be glad you took the time.
Posted by Annie in Outdoors on September 28, 2009
Are you in need of firewood? In these tough economic times, free firewood could be a really money savings.

If anyone would like a lot of free firewood, Camp Sylvester recently had
small trees thinned out by the US Forest Service in their forest management program. The wood is mainly pine and located in Pinecrest.
All you need is a trailer to haul it off. Please forward this to friends. Camp
Sylvester needs this done this week – before Friday – they have campers
coming in and the USFS did not tell them they were coming.
Any questions, call Irene Ulm at (209) 402-9871.