Posted by Annie in Outdoors on May 27, 2008
Many area residents and visitors alike were surprised by the unexpected snowstorm last week, which blanketed the upper elevations and caused the closure of Sonora Pass over the holiday weekend.
The weekend rains were welcomed by many concerned about an overly dry summer. Cloudy days are being forecasted for the rest of the week, with temperatures remaining in mid 70s for the rest of the week, and into next weekend, making this a perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors. It won’t be too hot or too cold. So, plan a picnic, take a hike, enjoy the fresh mountain air before the summer heat returns.
Posted by Annie in Family Fun, Outdoors on May 14, 2008
The heat is on but that’s not the only thing rising. According to area residents can expect peak snowmelt conditions into rivers and streams this weekend, creating the potential for danger.
River rafters can expect prime conditions due to heavily melting snow conditions. Peak rafting conditions are expected from now through June 10th. Wet suits are highly recommended.
Mountain snowmelt will be reaching peak levels for the year. With water level running high and fast, people swimming or wading can be easily swept downstream. Even relatively shallow water can prove to be dangerous. Hot air temperatures combined with, frigid water from the melting snow can spell trouble as people wading, rafting or fishing are susceptible to a sudden loss of body temperature from the icy cold water. This condition is called hypothermia and it can be life threatening.
Over the weekend temperatures will be 10 to 20 degrees above normal. Heat related illnesses are possible in these conditions unless proper precautions are taken. Persons working outdoors or planning outdoor activities should wear lightweight light-colored clothing, take frequent breaks from the sun and drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids. Try to avoid strenuous activity during the hottest time of the day. Do not leave children or pets alone in an unattended vehicle.
Temperatures are expected to return to near normal by mid week.